Nate Chambers

Selected Works



After wanting to learn how to carve a bowl, Nate Chambers stumbled into woodcraft and has spent ten years learning and perfecting his work under the auspices of some of the best craftspeople working today - Jim Sannerud, Roger Abrahamson, Robin Wood, and Lissa Hunter. For the first three or four years, Chambers would throw out as much as he would keep, but he attributes this to the learning procedure in any artistic endeavor. Now, Chambers makes beautiful, handmade, functional tableware, fashioned out of thousands of years of tradition. There is a unique consideration that makes Chamber’s work truly spectacular; how does one make things out of chaos, or out of the doubt, sorrow, or joy that give our lives meaning? Chambers answers: “within traditional craft is a form and structure that helps to serve as a guideline while I seek to find my own voice. Within a piece of wood already exists the object I am trying to create if I am skilled enough to bring it into existence. Within every bowl or cup, I turn there is a little bit of my own narrative, however subtle, and this is something I can share with those who choose to purchase my items.”